
Showing posts from 2012

Merry Christmas "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" -found on youtube

Mannie's Fabric Art and Peter's Pyro/Acrylic Paintings in Many Displays

New Embroidery Adventures -where I will go no one know

Building a Desk -or why I have no art work

The Embroidery Magnolia Composition

Mannie at work -hand embroidery

Quilt Square-Positioning a Butterfly Focus Point

A New Quilt Piece- Butterflies Amongst the Magnolias

OAG art show and sale

Our Art at the WAGAC

Low Water at the Cottage

a long, long time ago...

Fabric Basketry -Manuela Style

Pyrogaphy and Acrylic Painting -Sky Series

Living with Bears in Cottage Country -Showing the Development of a Marshtoon image

Working through the painting of the wood burnt image