Loon Boxes (pyrography and paint)
The images burnt into the wooden boxes enhanced with iridescent acrylic paint make even these small art/craft objects glow.
I had been looking over past inventory and came across these small wooden boxes that I had forgotten I had. The loon images were placed upon the lids in conjunction with the patterning of the wood grain. Despite the colouration of the water background the loon remains constant. And the solo loon upon the box reminds me of the lone and soulful plea emitted
while searching for another on the lake. Often when I was out canoeing on the lake a loon would pass so very close -a jewel upon the water with its slick and shiny coat.
These 3 1/2" x 5" boxes seem like gems to me when together -or alone. The iridescent paint of the background actually makes the black and white and red of the loon sparkle as well.
Again the photography escapes me. Do the iridescent colours send a wrong signal to the camera?