Manuela Teaches Gel Plate Printing to our Granddaughter

 Manuela has been printing on fabric and paper using gel plate printing.  Our youngest granddaughter was over and Manuela took her into the studio and introduced her to the printing techniques.  Our granddaughter used the 5" x &' gel plate and brayer along with fluid acrylic paints and various imprinting items.  The two of them were lost for hours in the process.  And, our granddaughter produced myriad printed sheets.

  Our granddaughter, in the time spent, experimented with the paint and imprints on the gel plate.  She added cut-out, printed and painted butterflies to the prints paper sheets.  At the end of the session she had produced four matted art works put into plastic envelopes and a variety of printed sheets of paper. 

At home she and her dad and older sister looked at the enterprise as a business and spent the rest of the night determining a business plan.  She was in contact with Manuela throughout the night asking for details regarding material costs.   (One way to learn about math -that's for sure.)

The sorceress's apprentice checking her work.

the apprentice displaying her matted art work.

Manuela overseeing the printed papers drying all over the work table.
