Manuela at the Dufferin Piecemakers Quilt Show

The Dufferin Piecemakers held their Quilt Show event this year.  (They do so every 3 years)  Talk about well organized .....and the quality of work was excellent!!  Manuela's work, while in the quilting vein, took on a purely artistic bend and thus was rather different form the other entries.

Here are her entries into the show.  Some you have seen before and some were in progress prior to being put into the show.  All of them were reworked with Manuela's usual embellishments.

Added embellishments, quilting and a frame changed its status from a quilt square to a picture.

Manuela has made a set of these fan pieces.  The set will be displayed when she has them all framed.

What to do with those left over dyed pieces.  Printed and free hand embroidered butterflies of magnolia blossoms.

This "Crazy Quilt" hanging is quit the looker.  Can you spot the spider?
