From Our Home to Yours this Christmas
At this time of year Mannie and I would like to give thanks for:
Our Family- children, grandchildren, relatives far and wide (in Canada outside Waldemar, Slovenia, Italy, and parts elsewhere);
the Friends we have and the New Friends we have made;
the Organizations we participate in:- the Headwaters Arts Festival Committee, the Riverbend Artists of Grand Valley, the Dufferin Arts Council, the Dufferin County Museum and Archives:
the Art Shows we exhibited in:- at Staples, Alliston, during the Headwaters Arts Festival, as part of the Sesquicentennial in Grand Valley, at Beaux Arts, Brampton, in our new ArtsII studio in Waldemar, and as members of the Riverbend Artists of Grand Valley:
43 Christmases together.
And so, from our home to yours,
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
May you prosper and achieve all you set out to do.