And, yet, more busy...busy... busy... "Riverbend Artists of Grand Valley" move forward

While doing our work and being on the Headwaters Arts Festival committee Mannie and I found time to help create the "Riverbend Artists of Grand Valley."
A lot has happened since its founding. We now have 30 members; formed an executive and constitution; put on a successful art show and sale during the village's Sesquicentennial July 1; published and distributed a brochure of our artists; developed a website; determined a logo and come up with more ideas than we have time for. It's a great group of diverse individuals. More on them later.

And the Riverbend Artists are participating in the Headwaters Arts Festival in a village event called "A Village Arts Experience." Wood and iron, sculpture, dance, music, theatre, visual art, etc during the village event and Culture Days Sept. 30 and Oct. 01 & 02.

Look for our Logo (one of two) in the HAF Event section and on our website.

Lots going on in our area and it has kept us busy... busy... busy...


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