A Reciprocal Partnership in the Business Community
Most artists maintain their work as a business -products, sales, marketing, accounts, taxes, and more. If you are like us that involves, file folders, receipt books, tape, business cards, brochures, portfolios, etc. Well, we were lucky in that the general manager of a Staples Store who has a store centre to thriving artists wanted to showcase them. We were the first artists to be displayed in her store. Quite frankly this is the first I've heard of Staples taking on such a venture. Our work was installed, Staples produced a banner and a brochure about the venture and our work.
Now, this is a reciprocal partnership in that Mannie and I bought business cards and are looking to have a portfolio or sign boards made and we display our work and cards for one month.
When we have been in the store we actually see Staples customers stop to view our art work and pick up our business cards.
Hopefully, the display in that store will generate business for us as well as Staples.